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Week 25: Staying entertained without a schedule...yikes.

Kristen Kehoe

This week was my first week of summer vacation and I have to admit, it was as slow as I dreamed it would be. We did play back-to-back softball games, then have softball practice, and dance, where Liv began learning hard shoe (heyo), and in the middle of that, Liv had biology camp--which she floved. Yet, even with all of that, Liv and I still managed to watch 3 Harry Potter movies and take a day to go shopping. Later in the week we won a game of Cribbage against Old Man River and Keith, after our ride through Chip Ross. We rounded out the weekend with a lazy few hours at the lake with some of our favorites.

Boom. I am so good at summer.

That being said, I do have to admit that as much as I love my deep summer moments of movies and bike rides and lake days, I am also someone who thrives off of routine, and there is very little of that in my life during the summer, which often causes me to get a little stressed out. Yes, I hear it. I get stressed because there is no rigid schedule to stress me out. It's a tightrope I like to walk, okay?

This week, I discovered that I've passed this characteristic on to Livvy-Love. The other day, leaving camp, she asked, "What camp am I doing next week?" Uh, what now? I thought we'd take a break, enjoy a little downtime. To which she responded, "I like having a nice schedule of events. Keeps my time organized."

Well, shit. Always good to see your own neuroses in your child.

So, the chaos that I am embracing (and hopefully passing on to my daughter) this summer is not just saying yes to events and invitations, but to the enjoyment of casual moments or the chaos of a spur-of-the-moment activity rather than a scheduled day presented by organized activities. I'm honestly getting a little squirrely even knowing I've typed "spur-of-the-moment," but I am going to try--no promises that I won't worry over every little opportunity, though. I'm a good multitasker like that ;)

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