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Kristen Kehoe
Jan 44 min read
Dear Ireland, Thank you.
Achille Island When I was twelve, I read Irish Thoroughbred by Nora Roberts. It began a lifelong love affair, not only with romance and...
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Kristen Kehoe
Aug 1, 20243 min read
Crystal Clear at 15 years.
Fifteen years ago, a twenty-five-year-old Shitzy and thirty-five-year-old Old Man River said "I do" in a pretty magical wedding. And even...
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Kristen Kehoe
Jul 9, 20233 min read
Week 27: It’s time to readjust what’s important
Week 27 was going to be about saying yes to adventure—about leaving on adventures and reminding myself that it’s not a time for stress or...
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Kristen Kehoe
Feb 26, 20234 min read
The Best Kind of Interruptions (& why we need them)
As with everything, I must begin with the perspective-lens before I go and tell you about all of the interruptions I took part in this...
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Kristen Kehoe
Feb 20, 20234 min read
Dear Worry: Take a Fucking Break, Please & Thank You
Old Man River, Liv, and I have started watching Limitless on Disney+. Liv and River love a good human interest story, and I love Thor, so...
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Kristen Kehoe
Feb 5, 20233 min read
I Said Yes! (Twice)
Hold onto your hats, kids, because I not only scheduled some fun, I went off script and interrupted my post ski,...
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Kristen Kehoe
Jan 22, 20234 min read
I told the universe I was going to leave my rut (obviously, I fucked up).
This week’s interruption was brought to me by youth sports and the insurance company. Not together, thank God. I'll leave those phone...
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Kristen Kehoe
Jan 15, 20233 min read
Pardon the Interruption...Except for Today.
My moon sign is Cancer. Wait for it--I promise there is a point, one that even sort-of relates to my promise to interrupt my life and...
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Kristen Kehoe
Jan 8, 20233 min read
So Listen...
Remember last week when I was all reflective, admitting that my routine had become a rut, and that rut had inadvertently taken over my...
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Kristen Kehoe
Jan 1, 20236 min read
52 Things in 2023...Maybe. If I Can.
I am a woman who has forever and always suffered more from JOMO than FOMO. I do not crave going out and being seen. I do not crave being...
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Kristen Kehoe
Aug 1, 20212 min read
To Twelve <3
Every year on our anniversary, I go through our wedding photos and choose one I haven't used before. It's amazing, looking back at that...
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Kristen Kehoe
Aug 1, 20202 min read
Steel-ing 11.
The traditional anniversary gift for eleven years is steel. This is according to my friend Google, but the more I read about steel, the...
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Kristen Kehoe
Jun 6, 20202 min read
Quarantine Kind of Love: For Old Man River
I'm a day late on this post, but, like most, I haven't had a lot of alone time to sit down and do something as simple as write a love...
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Kristen Kehoe
Apr 27, 20203 min read
This is You, Livvy Love.
Olivia Anne, today you are eight. Eight. You're a second grader who loves Harry Potter, dancing, fancy dresses, vaulting from your bean...
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Kristen Kehoe
Aug 1, 20192 min read
Decade One.
Ten years ago, these two lovebirds said "I do." Of course, because it was our wedding, and we are anything but predictable and classy, we...
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Kristen Kehoe
Jun 5, 20192 min read
Colt 45...Happy Birthday, OMR.
It's your birthday, Old Man River, and since it's been a minute since I've seen you, I'm feeling super mushy--this is also evidenced by...
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Kristen Kehoe
Apr 27, 20192 min read
My darling Olivia Anne, Happy seventh birthday, sweet girl! I always wonder what to write you, what to say that could possibly do justice...
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Kristen Kehoe
Aug 1, 20182 min read
Nine Years: That Real Life Romance
Once upon a time, not long after we got married, I asked Old Man River to live in a romance novel with me. I wanted our days to be filled...
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Kristen Kehoe
May 11, 20183 min read
For the Mamas.
It's Mother's Day weekend, and this means overwhelming cuteness from my kiddo. She hid this in the guest closet (the same place I hide...
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Kristen Kehoe
Apr 27, 20183 min read
Sassy and Smiling...and Six.
My Darling Livvy Love, Sweet girl, you're six! Happy birthday. Since my letter to you last year, a lot has happened. You've just about...
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