Lessons in Gravity
The final writing hours for Lessons in Gravity have commenced! I have until Sunday to get this book to editing, and while I finish those...
Lessons in Gravity
Hello, 2018--I'm excited to see you.
Lessons in Gravity: Meet Gunner & CC
Coming Soon...Lessons in Gravity.
Imperfect Characters
Back to Reality...and Maybe Even Writing.
The Great Eight: here's to you, Old Man River.
Friday Favorite: Tell Me Something Real
Finally Five
Dear 2017...sorry for the *uckery ;)
Release Day #10: Striking Chords
Friday Favorite...Who knows what number?
Striking Chords
Goodbye Again
It's Nice to Meet You...Not Really.
Release Weekend
Dear Parents, here is the other side.
A New Year
When Once Upon a Time Became 7 Years.
Friday Favorite: My Girls